Wednesday 1 September 2010

Analysis of soap opera trailer

All six of these trailers are linked towards the same storyline but one character is replaced in each one; the daughter telling there part of the story.
I analysed the Mercedes trailer

Mise-en scene
Individually, three characters are in the trailer each talking after each other and sometimes flicking back to them. The ‘destroyed’ setting around the characters connotes the destruction/desertion of the family.

Throughout the trailer a voiceover is used at the end summing up the trailer and telling the audience what soap it is and what time it is on. Furthermore, there are three characters talking to the you the audience slowly revealing the situation making the audience want to know more. Non-diegetic sound is used throughout the clip to help add tension towards the trailer and fits in perfectly being a slow but sad tune.

Camera angles
At the beginning of the trailer a reveal shot is used on the man presenting the main character the storyline is revolved around. Zoom shots are used on all three characters, this helps to reveal there expressions towards the audience allowing them to see the way they feel about what they are saying. Also, extreme close up shots are used on all three characters to show they are the main focus in the clip.

Titles are used at the end of the trailer showing what soap it is and what time it is on. Only one storyline is present in the trailer and this is being explained by the three characters.

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