Wednesday 1 September 2010

Analysis of a soap opera trailer

Mise-en scene
Different parts of the square are shown throughout the trailer. The time of day is set at night time to help make the trailer dark and mysterious. Also, the dark lighting connotes the final night or one of the characters.

Throughout the trailer the non-diegetic sound of the Christmas song is used to help symbolise happens although it is played at a slow tempo to suggest nothing is happy at the moment in the square. Voiceovers are used at one point in the trailer by one of the characters, at the end of the trailer another voiceover is used to sum up the trailer then tell the audience what soap it is and what time it is on.

Camera angles
At the beginning of the trailer a tracking shot is used on the pub to possibly suggest where the event is going to take place? Extreme close ups are mostly used throughout to show the expressions on the characters faces, all being sad and upset. A reveal shot is used on the character at the end which is the main character involved in this storyline.

Titles are used at the end of the trailer showing what soap it is and what time it is on. Only one storyline is present in the trailer

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