Wednesday 1 September 2010

Analysis of a soap opera trailer

Mise-en scene
The antagonist in this trailer is wearing black clothing to connote evil and death where as the protagonists are wearing light coloured clothing to connote innocence/purity.

An upbeat heart racing non-diegetic sound is used throughout the clip to help add suspense and make the trailer a lot more interesting. Also, non-diegetic sound is used when the titles flash up on the screen enhancing the effect of it by including a loud noise which attracts the audience. At the end of the trailer a voiceover is used to sum up the trailer then tell the audience what soap it is and what time it is on.

Camera angles
The trailer opens with a low angle long shot on the main character to express his importance/dominance over the situation showing he’s the one in control. Two shots are used a lot in the trailer; with the main character and each one of the victims, this allows the audience to see that he has control over both of them and he can do what he wants.

Titles are used throughout the scene instead of a voiceover to emphasise the points for the storyline, when shown they are introduced with a loud sudden noise to help entice the audience.

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